~the mouse den~

hello world

posted on monday, january 6, 2025

A sadistic little bear once said:

"Gooood morning, everyone! [...] Time to rise and shine~! Get ready to greet another beeee-autiful day!"

Sorry, I finished the first Danganronpa game today and it's consuming my brain. Anyway, welcome to my very first blog entry. In future, I hope to use this blog to document my ongoing journey through life, tech, game dev, and whatever else i feel like. it's my blog, and i get to choose the theme, even if that is all of the themes.

hopefully, you'll get to watch me grow, learn, come into my own, and eventually figure out who the elusive lunamouse truly is. I hope it's valuable, entertaining, or vaguely interesting, but if it isn't...

too bad hehehehe ;)

love, lunamouse.
